LOL. Today was fun (:Home's not a home anymore. I come home expecting warmth. All I get is coldness. I bought my textbooks today. I like. They're thick and heavy and full of knowledge.
pluto + jupiter = noisy library

Why isn't someone in the same class as me? I'm soooo sad. Didnt see someone at all today. ):
"HI MARIANNE CHAN MAH LI CHAN.marianne rocks!!!! Shes the hottest alien alive XDWHAT!? I SHALL MAKE HER THE HOTTEST ALIEN DEAD AHAHAHAHHAHSIEWYI DOES NOT EXIST I DO NOT MIX WITH LOWLY EARTHLINGS THY HONOUR. :p :p :p :p WE ARE GETTING FAR TOO RETARDED AND LIBRARY'S SO NOT THE PLACE FOR US OKAY. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHYEA MAN I SO AGREE MAN!!!! i KEEP CALLING YOU MAN XD WHY HUH? ARE YOU ALIEN MAN?YES I AM AN ALIEN WITH LIL BROTHER WOOOOOOOOOO *WHISTLE WHISTLE* STOP DROOLING YOU. WANNA SEEE HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.LOL. I DO NOT TAKE INTERESTED IN LITTLE BROTHERS. I PREFER SISTERS XDNO WONDER YOU TOUCHED-ED MY BOOBS HAHAHHA. RETARDED WOMAN. ARE YOU TIRED?! WHY YOU SO FIERCE. youre typing in caps hahahahha.who's the one who started using caps first hmmmmm?why are we typing? have we lost our alien language already hahahahhaha. my fingers not tired so i shall continue typing and you shall continue reading and we shall continue maintainier ng this retarded thing andhahahha youre gonna meet huimui all the best to you ah.better clean your ears dry got alot of things shes gonna tell youand im gonna laugh until my backside drop ahahahahhaa. shit, my eyes abit tired already ah. long day hahahhaa.okay, what am i doing? self contentment talking to myself. okay. bye myself. " What 2 aliens do when they're bored.
Do you expect me, To live alone with just me? 'Cause my world revolves around you, I'ts so hard for me to breathe.
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HMS LE HO BO, LE ZAI BO, LE STEADY BO?! HAHAHAHAH! Soooooo proud of ourselves! We're the smallest group yet we come out so victorious! I'm amazed (:Today has been a tiring day! But also satisfying. Winning wasn't everything. It was the spirit. The spirit of HMS, undying and ever prevailing! We were amazing in so many different ways! HAHA. SOMEONE said I'm hot today (: HAHAHAH! Bet he didnt mean it but still, felt good. We had to do powerpoint presentation of ourselves today during our 4HOUR class. Not too bad. Azimi wanna join our group! HAHA. Popular man! So yea, school's fun. I get the feeling I'm so gonna love my course! Good choice at last, Marianne! (:
Saw someone today. I'm sure someone saw me too. In the whole crowd, someone stood out. Someone has a nice smile, someone has nice hair. BUT someone's not for me. Or people will kill me. BZSE, why? I had hoped someone was in PCS. Then again, someone will never take PCS XD Someone, I'm waiting. Since day 1 man. LOL. Hmmmmmmm...
Okay, I'm really drained so I'm gonna put up photos from orientation (:

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Met my classmates today! They're not too bad. I like them all so far. Ruth is super sweet looking!! HAHA. Cindy's my age! WOOTS. Sarali's really nice and funny. Shabana's really cute. LOL. So today's class wasn't too bad. After class we went to the toilet XD And then went off to CCA open house. I put my name down for Roteract, HI club, STRINGS(!!!) and red cross (: They ask me to join cheer leading but I dont think I can be that perky.
We then went off to find the place to load all my softwares XD Ended up getting the privilledge card thingy, spinning the wheel and getting a pencil -.-''' HAHA. GREEN pencil. So we then found the right place but had to que liike super duper uber long so didnt go in the end. Decided to load it up tomorrow. BUT wth, it takes 2 freaking hours. So means, I go to class without the freaking softwares tomorrow. SHIT!
Anyways, after that I fly to JJC! HAHA. It's great to meet S28 again (: I love them loads still. AND I met SIEWYI!!!! HAHA! We run to each other screaming and hugging! HAHAHA. We're cute. So I'm going to let pictures do the talking (:

Hmmm, is that it? Photos being printed just so that I'll remember forever (: Memories are important to me!
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I'm feeling like an idiot right about now. It really sucks. I dont know what I'm feeling. I just unnecessarily told huimui off. I'm very sorry girl. I might have sounded harsh I'm really sorry. It's frustrating when you feel like how I'm feeling which I dont really know how to describe. I'm tired but I cant sleep. I feel like I'm falling apart just when my life's about to be normal. But no, I'm not falling apart and no, I'm not gonna give up just yet.
School tomorrow's gonna be great. I know it will be. It has to be. And on tuesday, I can go back and visit my fellow JJCians! (: My dearest S28!! Found pics on Nicole's blog.
Espoir OI!
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ESPOIR OI! HAHA. I'm back!! Yes, I'm back (:
Was kind of worried I wouldn't enjoy it but I did in the end! Thanks to Jiayi and Weiling! And Kenn also lah XD Anyways, details tonight or something. Because I gotta go church soon. All I can say is, I cant wait for things to start now (:
Kenn's in the same class as me! YAY!!! HAHA. At least someone I know! So, ELPIS HUAT AH! I'm not making sense hahahah. Okay. Elpis is my orientation house name. Espoir is my group name. Our leader is Shawn Lee who now has a million blisters on his leg XD And also nicole, dorothy and geetha!! All our GLs. They're the best! Buy ice cream for us some more. HAHA.
I'll put up our fashion show works (: And the other photos when I meet Nicole online!
Everyone say I look so Artsy -.- I AM!
I'm not the oldest there thank god. LOL. I'm feeling a little weird now. Dont know why. HAHA. I'll be fine. I guess. As always, the brain tends to overwork. It's not my problem anymore.

HAHA, our white board. Dont we make fashion statements? (: Espoir, I like.
I know my jupiterean misses me like mad! Your plutosian is back!! HAHAHA. Jupiter has been missed too (: I'm back from earth and earthlings have made me lose my voice!
We all are what we are in our own demise.
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I'm feeling excited. For several reasons. First reason (probably the lamest!)I'm going to the library tomorrow!! To borrow another book so that I can read and read non stop till I finish it before wednesday (: I love reading. Forgot how much I loved it when I started working.Second reasonWEDNESDAY is camp. Orientation camp with my fellow HMS mates. I'm gonna meet like millions of new people and they are all going to not like me XD Yes, it is a fear I have. That people wont like me =/ WHY WHY WHY. Okay, anyways yea. I'm excited. AND I realised I'm not the oldest person there. There are people who are a yr older than me I think (: YAYNESS.Third reasonSATURDAY. We are going to vivo on saturday. Whoever can make it anyways. Supposed to be just me and KS but too bad. I managed to pull about 5 people and counting to go along with me. HAAHAHA. Think its gonna be damn fun cos its gonna be more shopping and more time out of the house! My mom's surely not gonna be happy but nevermind. I need to enjoy life before school starts proper. Which is like what? NEXT NEXT FREAKING WEEK!So today was a pretty stay home day for me. LOL. Because I woke with a SUPER crazily stupid ache in my head and was sneezing like 5 times per minute. HAHAHA. But I'm okay now thanks for all the concern. Except for some fella who said its my fault for not taking care of myself. EXCUSE ME, people do fall sick naturally okay? What more, I think it's a freak illness cos I'm totally fine now. Man, I want that book now. NOW. Cos I'm really bored. Its not easy smsing 3 Js at one go but I'm managing. So I'm gonna disappear for a week. Monday to friday I think. Then maybe I'll come back on Sunday just before my school starts (: Psycho!! Come to me!! LOL. Neither high nor low now. NEUTRAL which is good for now. I'm going back to suffering from low self esteem. LOL. Convince me that I'm nice cos I dont feel that way. HAHA. Pre school anxiety. Yes, I dont like loneliness and I'm afraid poly people wont like me and I'll end up ALONE in poly then I'll have to go around being a loner with no friends at all!! OMG, that's a super scary thought okay? XD I will make friends!Oh these feet carry me far. Oh my body. Oh so tired.Mouth is dry. Hardly speak. Holy spirit rise in me.Here I swear, forever is just a minute to me.I'll take everything in this life.I'll join everyone when I die.Have my body. Have my mind. Have my coat. Take my time.Theses I borrow. Borrow so far. Turn to dust. Fall apart.Here I swear, forever is just a minute to me.I'll take everything in this life.I'll join everyone and understand.'Cause all men die. 'Cause all men die.I'll take everything in this life.I'll join everyone since I'm gonna dieI'll take everything in this lifeI'll join everyone 'cause all men die.Embracing my inevitable fate (: No time to lose! Because we all like to move it, move it XD
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