It was always you.
Mr Seah says that this is illogical because there's a grey dot on his face!
Someone didnt let me take photo of his food!
But I still did! Oily elongated rice! XD
Cheese & Mushroom prata! And the wallet is NOT a super old 80's wallet!
So that was my day. (: Pretty exciting huh. LOLS. Loving each day :D
You, stop being so sweet and nice! I really dont like the way I'm feeling okay. I want to stay away but you keep on reeling me in! Just let me stay away from you, please. I do not want to be reeled in. Seriously. Yet, it's you that make me smile all day long =/ You're irresistable, somehow.
Me and mooks go well together!
Tim's NutriSoy expires on my birthday! Lego Starwars!
Happy Timmay!
Emo Lanze
Ruth, Sarali and Timmay's lappy!
Elton Seah If he looks blur, it's cos he moved -.-
And all the good guys of the world (: I realise I have options!
There's a light in your eyes, did you leave that light burning for me?