HAPPY 2010! I know I'm kinda late but ah well. There's so much to do.
So I'm going to recap 2009 right now since its kind of been an interesting year.
January 2009: Test of friendships, brief encounter with an ex, renewing of love for Jason Mraz
Febuary 2009: More tests in friendship, eyecandied a gay dude, embraced who I am, spent 18th Valentine's day single, new hair style, (BEST ONE) started writing songs
March 2009: JASON MRAZ CONCERT!!!!!!!, new bag, DYTD!, new phone, new songs written
April 2009: Friendship tests, more jason, more DYTD, metric!, meetups, new songs written
May 2009: More friendship tests, NEW SONGS WRITTEN!, brief almost encounter with liking someone, CYA <3
June 2009: WAN WAN WAN, SIEWYI SIEWYI SIEWYI, Tegan and Sara, found my acoustic guitar for life, new songs written
July 2009: KHAIRUL HAKIM!, serious blogging, new songs written
August 2009: Double Bass, ERIC HUTCHINSON, 19th birthday :D, Jason Mraz, CYA and SP peeps, exams, NEW SHOE!, Owl City spastic dance!, Work @ Pearson, new songs written
September 2009: Jamming, NEW SONGS WRITTEN, agua de annique, paolo nutini, 07S28! :D, tourist in singapore with WAN!, end of the closeness of a tiring friendship, new songs written
October 2009: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist!, Second first love, Bat for Lashes, SPANISH!:D, new songs written
November 2009: J, J, Jason, Jared, WHITE HEADPHONES!, Potbelleez, HO4!:D, new songs written
December 2009: Jared, Jason, John, Justin Ng, Grey's Anatomy, WHITE HEADPHONES!, Christmas, end of year!, NEW GUITARRRRR!
EVERY SINGLE MONTH IN 2009 THE CONSTANTS ARE: 2B01, JASON, WAN, SIEWYI, WRITING SONGS HO4, NISHA AND SARALI :D Of course, there are those who are not mentioned here. Many more in fact. But to everyone who made 2009 an amazing one for me, thanks! To all my girls, especially Wan & Siewyi, you know I love you :D
So yes, 2009 ended on a high. With loads of downs in between but that's life. I must say the things I'm most happy about 2009 is getting to know the HO4 girls better and reconnect with the class as a whole.
Let 2010 be a crazy kick ass whopalicious one! :D
Love, in the spirit of new year, chinese or not,
P.S. I did NOT buy this cheongsam.